
Agenda – 15th July 2024

2024-25 Agendas Uploaded on July 9, 2024

A meeting of Newtown Parish Council will be held on Monday 15th July 2024
In Newtown Village Hall at 7.00pm.

14. Apologies for absence
15. Co-option of Local Councillor to fill casual vacancy
16. Declarations of interest
OPEN FORUM – to receive comments or questions from members of the public which relate to issues contained on this agenda.
17. Approval and signing of the minutes of the meeting held on 13th May 2024.
18. Report for “News from the Villages”
19. Report from district and/or county councillor
20. Report from PCSO / CSPO
21. Highways and traffic issues
a) B4640
b) C45
c) Jonathan Hill
22. Planning and development control (full details in Appendix)
16/02230/FUL Hill Farm
22/01781/LBC The Swan Inn
23/01045/FUL (WB) Land South Of Abbottwood
23/01585/OUTMAJ (WB) Warren Farm
22/02754/OUTMAJ (WB) Land East of Newbury College
24/00290/FUL Land south of Threeways
24/00677/FUL Newtown Court Barn

23. Newtown Common
a) Update by Common Management Committee chair
b) Byelaws update and summary signage
c) Additional signage quotes and track slow signs
d) Repairs to Jonathan Hill car park
e) Vehicle parking / storage Jonathan Hill
f) Motorised bikes / damage to common
24. Lengthsman Scheme
a) lengthsman contract renewal
25. Village Hall
26. Finance
a) To receive the report on the budget for 2024/25
b) Approval of payments
27. Correspondence (see appendix)
28. Date of next meetings – 9th September, 11th November, 13th January, 10th March
Mrs R Cloke – Clerk to Newtown Parish Council


Members of the public are invited and welcome to attend.