
Minutes – 13th May 2024

2024-25 Minutes Uploaded on May 29, 2024

Minutes of a meeting of Newtown Parish Council held on
Monday 13th May 2024 at 6pm, Newtown Village Hall

Present: Meeting Chair: Tony Webb
Councillors: Tom Reseigh, Sean Curry, Jo Exelby

In attendance: Clerk: Rebecca Cloke

1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Izett.
Cllr Ward was absent.

2. Election of Chairman for 2024-25
Proposed by Cllr Exelby and seconded by Cllr Webb, Cllr Reseigh was elected unanimously. Cllr Webb was thanked for his dedication to Newtown Parish Council.

3. Declarations of Interest


4. Appointment of representatives to outside bodies
Village Hall Committee Member – Proposed by Cllr Exelby and seconded by Cllr Curry, Cllr Reseigh was appointed as the Village Hall Committee Parish Council representative.

5. Appointment to committees
Newtown Common Management committee – Proposed by Cllr Webb and seconded by Cllr Reseigh, Cllr Curry would continue as Chair on the Newtown Common Management Committee and Cllr Exelby as Committee Mmeber.

6. Approval and signing of the minutes of the meeting held on 25th March.
The minutes were approved by the Council and signed by the Chair. Proposed by Cllr Exelby and seconded by Cllr Curry.

7. Planning – 24/0159/NEWDEV
Consultation on new development name of Oak Tree Drive. It was discussed that Drive sounded suburban and Oak Tree Way would be suggested as an alternative.
ACTION: Clerk to respond to proposal prior to deadline of 21st May

8. Parish Councillor recruitment
As a result of Cllr Webb stating his intention to stand down, a flyer had been distributed along with the annual newsletter. A local resident had expressed an interest in becoming a Parish Councillor. It was agreed that it would be beneficial to identother individuals who may be interested in becoming involved, in order to provide a succession plan for future vacancies.

9. Report for “News from the Villages”
Cllr Reseigh committed to prepare an article for upcoming edition including items discussed at the Parish Assembly.

10. Finance reports
a) Resolved that the Annual Governance and Accountability Return – Certificate of Exemption be signed by the Chairman and the clerk.
Review and approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 23/24
It was agreed that Section 1, the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24 be completed to the effect that:
1. The Parish Council has put in place arrangements for effective financial management during the year, and for the preparation of the accounting standards.
2. The Parish Council has maintained an adequate system of internal control including measures designed to prevent and detect fraud and corruption and reviewed its effectiveness.
3. The Parish Council took all reasonable steps to assure ourselves that there are no matters of actual or potential non-compliance with laws, regulations and Proper Practices that could have a significant financial effect on the ability of this authority to conduct its business or manage its finances.
4. The Parish Council has provided proper opportunity during the year for the exercise of electors’ rights in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations.
5. The Parish Council has carried out an assessment of the risks facing this authority and took appropriate steps to manage those risks, including the introduction of internal controls and/or external insurance cover where required.
6. The Parish Council maintained throughout the year an adequate and effective system of internal audit of the accounting records and control systems.
7. The Parish Council has taken appropriate action on all matters raised in reports from internal and external audit.
8. The Parish Council has considered whether any litigation, liabilities or commitments, events or transactions, occurring either during or after the year-end, have a financial impact on this authority and, where appropriate, have included them in the accounting statements.
b) To receive the Internal Audit report 2023/24
The clerk had circulated the internal auditor’s report. No issues had been raised. The auditor’s report was approved and accepted, proposed by Cllr Reseigh seconded by Cllr Exelby. Thanks were given to the Clerk.

c) To receive the report on the budget for 2024/25
The clerk summarised the main variances to budget, year to date, in the income and expenditure and summarised the reserves held. The Chair checked the bank balances to bank statements. Received and approved.
d) Parish council / working party insurance renewal
The Clerk had circulated details of the proposed insurance policy renewals. A brief pricing comparison had been carried out and a full review would be carried out the following year. The policy renewals were proposed by Cllr Curry and seconded by Cllr Reseigh.

11. Approval of payments

To approve and ratify the following payments:

12. Correspondence
The Clerk confirmed that the 23/24 VAT return had been submitted and reimbursement had been received
The Clerk confirmed that the first 50% of the annual precept had been received from Basingstoke and Deane.
The Clerk confirmed that after much chasing by herself and Cllr Curry, the 2023 HLS funding from the RPA had been received.
Cllr Webb stated he had received correspondence from a concerned resident regarding the increase in traffic at the Horris Hill junction and the layout. He resolved to contact the school to request they initiate a review with the Parish Council’s support.

13. Date of next meetings
Dates for the next meetings were set for:
15th July, 9th September, 11th November, 13th January, 10th March

The meeting closed at 6:40pm

Signed ……………………………. Date……………….