
Minutes – 23rd January 2023

2022-23 Minutes Uploaded on October 1, 2023

Minutes of a meeting of Newtown Parish Council held on
Monday 28th November 2022 at 7pm, Newtown Village Hall

Present: Chairman: Tony Webb
Councillors: Sean Curry, Jo Exelby, Tom Reseigh, Bob Ward

In attendance: Clerk: Rebecca Cloke

47. Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Izett, Cllr Thacker and PCSO Joshua Revett.

48. Declarations of Interest


49. Approval and signing of the minutes of the meeting held on 29th September 2022.
The minutes were approved by the Council and signed by the Chair. Nominated by Cllr Exelby and seconded by Cllr Webb.

50. Report for “News from the Villages”
Cllr Webb briefed the councillors on his submission for the December “News from the Villages” to include updates on the new Speed Indicator Device, recent vandalism and work at the Village Hall.

51. Report from the Borough and/or County Councillor
Cllr Thacker was absent but had sent an update regarding the letter the Leader of HCC had sent to the Prime Minister (in conjunction with the Leader of Kent CC) and a briefing of how the Chancellors Autumn statement would impact the council’s funding and council tax.

Cllr Izett was absent but sent an update on the Local Plan Update (currently “paused”), the council plan to 2025 (out for consultation), 22/23 budget (out for consultation), the councillor grants scheme, the Community Infrastructure Fund and the Rural England Prosperity Fund.

52. Report from the PCSO – written
PCSO Joshua Revett was absent.
The clerk briefed the parish council on PCSO’s response with regards to the use of CCTV within the parish. The PCSO had signposted the council to the ICO website and the guidelines stated therein. The clerk outlined the need for signage to be posted where there was CCTV cameras. It was proposed that a small surveillance device was purchased and CCTV signage. Proposed by Cllr Webb and seconded by Cllr Ward. RC to purchase camera and signage.

53. Highways and Traffic issues
a) Cllr Resigh stated there was no SLR deployment data due to an issue with the software for the SLR. TR to send software link to BW / RC to enable data to be downloaded for the January meeting.
b) SLR deployment B4640 – Cllr Webb asked that all information that had already been collated regarding deployment on the B4640 be sent to him so he could compose a response to Hampshire Highways formally asking for them to reconsider their deployment guidelines on 50mph highways.

54. a)

Hill Farm Erection of 8 no. dwellings with associated access, landscaping and parking No further update from B&D regarding this application and it is now listed as “Withdrawn Returned” on the B&D planning site
The Swan Inn Replacement of weathered and worn roof tiles PC – no comment
Awaiting decision
Newtown Court Farm Erection of 3 no. new dwellings with associated access and landscaping
PC – no further comment
Millets Hill Erection of a single storey side/rear extension, first floor extension, front porch and internal alterations PC – no comment

b) Levelling up /regeneration bill email response – the PC discussed their response and supported the argument from Basingstoke and Deane.
55. Newtown Common
a) Cllr Curry briefed the councillors on the work that Sparsholt College and the Green Gym had carried out. He further briefed on the work Horris Hill had carried out to tidy up the entrance track to the school. He stated that the November Winter Working party had had low attendance but a lot had been achieved and reminded everyone of the date of the January WWP.
Cllr Curry requested that Simon Melville was bought a gift for his continued work and support on the common. This was proposed by Cllr Curry and seconded by Cllr Webb. TW to purchase gift and deliver.

56. Lengthsman
Cllr Curry briefed the councillor on the proposed work for the Lengthsman on the 1st December. The councillor discussed the possibility of using lengthsman hours to maintain some of the main tracks. Concerns were raised on how it would be decided which tracks to maintain and whether a precedent would be set by carrying out this work.

57. Jubilee / Elizabeth trail
Cllr Ward and Reseigh to establish a route and bring the proposal to a future meeting to discuss. It was discussed that the project could apply for one of the community grants Cllr Izett had briefed on.

58. Coronation event
The councillors discussed the possibility of running an event to celebrate the coronation on the 8th May. It was agreed to put £400 into the budget for the event.
RC to establish VH availability.

59. Village Hall
Cllr Reseigh (Chair of Village Hall committee) briefed the committee on the window that had been installed to enable food and drink to be passed from the kitchen to the outside area easily. Thanks were given to Cllr Webb for his help with the project.

60. Finance reports
a) To receive the report on the budget for 2022/23
The clerk summarised the main variances to budget, year to date, in the income and expenditure and summarised the reserves held. The Chair checked the bank balances to bank statements. Received and approved.
b) Receive and review draft budget for 2023-24
The councillors reviewed the draft budget and precept proposal. The precept proposal of £6,000 was agreed by the Parish Council. Proposed by Cllr Webb and seconded by Cllr Curry. The Clerk to ensure the precept request form is duly signed to be sent to B&D by the 31st January.

61. Approval of payments
To ratify the following payments:
Date Ref Payment Method Payee Description Gross
03/Oct B045 BACS Greenham Trust (Newtown Village Hall) Disabled access donation 300.00
To approve the following payments:
28/Sep B043 BACS Stocksigns Replacement locks SLR 40.57
30/Sep B044 BACS Tom Reseigh Cash to locksmith 20.00
28/Nov B046 BACS Rebecca Cloke Expenses – mileage and print cartridges 53.00

62. Correspondence
The Clerk stated that she had received correspondence regarding the Police Crime Commissioner consultation and the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan consultation. Both were discussed and it was decided that no formal response from NPC was required for either.

63. Date of next meetings
Dates for the next meetings were set for:
Monday 23rd January,
Monday 27th March


The meeting closed at 8:06pm



Signed ……………………………. Date……………….