
Minutes – 27th March 2023

2022-23 Minutes Uploaded on October 1, 2023

Minutes of a meeting of Newtown Parish Council held on
Monday 27th March 2023 at 7pm, Newtown Village Hall

Present: Meeting Chair: Sean Curry
Councillors: Bob Ward, Jo Exelby,

In attendance: Clerk: Rebecca Cloke
Cllr Tom Thacker
Corinne Davis-Cooke

83. Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Webb and Cllr Reseigh.
Cllr Izett was unable to attend the meeting due to the pre-election ‘purdah’ period.

84. Declarations of Interest

85. Community Engagement Ranger – Corinne Davis-Cooke
The councillors were briefed on the role of the Countryside Access Team and available funding and work force assistance for Countryside Access projects.
A possible boardwalk on footpath 701b was discussed as this area of the footpath is unpassable due to an underground spring. It was ascertained that this could be a potential project to apply for Countryside Access funding.
Corinne also briefed the councillors of the Countryside Volunteer Roles including Path Wardens. The Clerk offered to advertise these roles on the PC website and Facebook page.


86. Approval and signing of the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd January.
The minutes were approved by the Council and signed by the Chair. Nominated by Cllr Ward and seconded by Cllr Exelby

87. Report for “News from the Villages”
Cllr Curry to prepare article for upcoming edition including the road condition of the B4640.

88. Report from the Borough and/or County Councillor
Cllr Izett – absent

Cllr Thacker thanked the Parish Council for the acknowledgement of the Hampshire County Councillor grants awarded for the Village Hall projects and was glad to see the improvements first hand.

Cllr Thacker briefed the councillors that Hampshire County Council had increased their council tax precept by a total of 4.99% (including 2% specifically towards adults’ social care). Cllr Thacker stated that even with this increase, the County Council was budgeting a £50.8 million shortfall for this financial year.

Cllr Thacker briefed the councillors on the funding within the budget for road upkeep. He stated that there were two funding streams with maintenance funding for repairs such as potholes and then capital funding for larger scale resurfacing projects. Cllr Thacker confirmed that the B4640 was not included in the planned scheme of works “Operation Resilience” as it was not considered dangerous.
Cllr Thacker requested that potholes were continued to be reported and if no action was taken, to escalate (including ticket numbers).

Cllr Thacker briefed the councillors that the Councillor Grant Scheme would be opened early this year (1st April-21st April) so applications for coronation events could be submitted and considered.
(It was acknowledged that this could be possible funding for waymarkers for the planned “Coronation / Jubilee walk” if prices / route were ascertained in time)

89. Report from the PCSO
The clerk briefed the parish council that she had invited the PCSO to the Parish Council meeting but had received no response.

90. Highways and Traffic issues
Cllr Reseigh absent

91. a) Open Planning

16/02230/FUL Hill Farm Erection of 8 dwellings Withdrawn Returned (unlikely to be det.)
22/01781/LBC The Swan Inn Replacement of weathered and worn roof tiles PC – no comment
Awaiting decision
22/03066/HSE Millets Hill Erection of a single storey side/rear extension, first floor extension, front porch PC – no comment
23/0084/HSE 4 Castle Cottages Alterations to existing outbuilding and erection of carport PC support

23/00255/FUL Newtown Court Farm amendment to planning permission 22/02506/FUL to add additional dwelling PC opposed
Awaiting decision

92. Newtown Common
a) Cllr Curry briefed the councillors on the flailing and clearing work carried out in February and March. He stated that there had still yet to be any payment from the RPA under the new agreement despite significant chasing by the Clerk. Cllr Curry to contact RPA to assist with resolving the reason for non-payment in 2022.

93. Lengthsman
a) Cllr Curry briefed the councillor on the proposed work for the Lengthsman including the B4640 footpaths. Cllr Curry stated that the lengthsman had fixed the Sheepwash track during their last set of allocated hours.
b) The councillors reviewed, agreed and signed the new contract from St Mary Bourne for the lengthsman hours for 22-23. Proposed by Cllr Exelby, seconded by Cllr Curry.

94. Jubilee / Elizabeth trail
Cllr Ward to establish route and bring details to the Parish Council meeting in May for consideration. Cllr Exelby had walked the a proposed route and gave feedback on walking up a section of the road and a couple of obstacles encountered.

95. Churchyard upkeep grant request
The letter dated 9th March 23 from Burghclere with Newtown Parochial Church Council requesting a donation was considered. It was proposed by Cllr Ward, seconded Cllr Exelby and carried unanimously that a donation of £800 (as in previous years) be made to the to the PCC. It was noted that this donation be made under the powers granted under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972.

96. Village Hall
Cllr Reseigh absent

97. The Clerk briefed the councillors that she had received responses to her pricing and service queries from four providers, including the existing website provider. It had been established that further queries needed to be made as some of the quotes included councillor email provision and some excluded it. Clerk to send out full comparison document once queries resolved.

98. Finance reports
a) To receive the report on the budget for 2022/23
The clerk summarised the main variances to budget, year to date, in the income and expenditure and summarised the reserves held. The Chair checked the bank balances to bank statements. Received and approved. It was acknowledged that these were the year end figures but excluded an £80 payment for firewood that had been received after the agenda had been published.
b) Redeclaration of pension regulator compliance submitted
The Clerk confirmed the redeclaration of pension compliance had been submitted prior to the 1st July deadline.
c) Review and adopt updated Standing Orders
The document had been circulated prior to the meeting and had been reviewed – adopted. Proposed Cllr Exelby, seconded Cllr Curry
d) Review and adopt updated Council’s Risk Management Register
The document had been circulated prior to the meeting and had been reviewed – adopted Proposed Cllr Ward, seconded Cllr Curry
e) Review and adopt updated Financial Regulations and Procedures
The documents had been circulated prior to the meeting and had been reviewed – adopted Proposed Cllr Exelby, seconded Cllr Ward
f) Review and adopt Model Publication scheme and Health & Safety Policy
The documents had been circulated prior to the meeting and had been reviewed – adopted Proposed Cllr Exelby, seconded Cllr Ward

99. Approval of payments
To ratify the following payments:
Date Ref Payee Description Gross
07-Mar B055 Heathland Management Services HLS Conservation work £7,860.00
10-Mar B056 Newtown Village Hall Hall hire £200.00
25-Mar B057 Rebecca Cloke Clerk salary – Jan-Mar £658.28
25-Mar B058 HMRC Clerk PAYE Jan-Mar £164.40
25-Mar B059 Rebecca Cloke Expenses mileage £15.08
25-Mar B060 Burghclere with Newtown PCC Churchyard upkeep grant £800.00

100. Correspondence
101. Parish Assembly date
22nd May

102. Date of next meetings
Dates for the next meetings were set for:
22nd May, 17th July, 18th September, 13th November, 15th January, 25th March


The meeting closed at 8:07pm



Signed ……………………………. Date……………….